“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul.”
~John Muir
Photo Credit: Emily Scher

In Love & Safety for Malibu!
“I believe that appreciation is a holy thing…So in loving and appreciating our neighbor, we’re participating in something sacred.”

my mission & Vision
I stand with & for you on These Issues in Malibu

Environmental Stewardship
“Everybody needs beauty as well as break, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul.”
~John Muir

“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community better than you found it.”
~Marian Wright Edelman
Dr. Channing For Malibu STAT
The Candidate for Disaster Preparedness & Public Safety
1 Mission: Healthy, Safety & CommUNITY
Campaign Priorities

Photo Courtesy of Emily Scher
Dr. Channing for Mailbu STAT
PCH Safety
The Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) is one of the most dangerous stretches of road in Malibu, spanning 21 miles and frequently being the site of tragic accidents and fatalities. As a pediatrician and city council candidate, I am deeply committed to improving public safety and health in our community. My plan focuses on implementing stricter enforcement, engineering redesigns, and enhanced public awareness campaigns to make PCH safer for everyone. By working with local law enforcement, legislators, and community organizations, I will push for necessary changes to protect pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers, and ensure that the PCH becomes a safer, community-centered “Main Street” for Malibu.

Photo Courtesy of Emily Scher
Onward School-Based
Deworming Programs
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Political Commitment
For Deportation Issue
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus.
Programs About Gender
Diversity Problem
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Dr. Channing Frykman STAT Malibu City Council 2024
Donation-Free, Neighbor-Centric, Service-Oriented, Independent-Candidate Campaign
“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” ~Albert Schweitzer
In the Spirit of Loving, Helping, and Serving “Our Neighbors” locally and globally according to the Golden Rule/Great Commission, we are a grassroots, family-based operation. From the beginning of this journey when I felt called to use my VOICE & MEDICAL CALLING to PROTECT and SERVE Malibu, my family has been prayerfully supporting and actively participating on this promising mission with me.
Our daughter Kristen who is a high school sophomore created the logo and signage with her passion and talent in computer engineering/graphic design. My husband Phil is our campaign Treasurer and is forever my biggest supporter! And our youngest neighbor who adorably and enthusiastically wanted to sign my nomination papers (even though he has to wait 16 years to officially participate) has been appointed “Campaign Manager”!
Being wholeheartedly committed to the campaign and intentionally conserving expenses, I deeply appreciate our Malibu residents, HOAs, and organizations who are diligently organizing and graciously hosting CANDIDATE FORUMS and MEET & GREETS!
As a NEW & INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE, I am accepting every invitation I possibly can and embrace the attendance of all other candidates. Face-to-face opportunities are essential to connect with “our neighbors” and discuss the issues that impact our city.
Another highlight has been attending the many community service and public safety events such as the Mending Kids Hike2Mend, Malibu Safety & Preparedness Fair, and upcoming Emily Shane Foundation/PCH Safety event at Pepperdine to UNITE & PROTECT Malibu and the Kingdom!
With the extreme and urgent needs in our world, Dr. Channing Frykman STAT Malibu City Council 2024 is intentionally designed to be a DONATION-FREE, NEIGHBOR-CENTRIC, SERVICE- ORIENTED CAMPAIGN!!!
Our campaign is completely transparent with a budget of $5,000 for basic expenses and prefer any potential contributions to be directed to LIFE- saving organizations.
Campaign Contribution
In lieu of campaign donations, please consider donating to the important work of Mending Kids instead.
Mending Kids provides free life-saving surgical care to sick children worldwide by deploying volunteer medical teams and supporting communities to become medically self-sustaining. Dr. Channing and her husband are active volunteers and the Mending Kids mission is dear to them.
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